Paper 1 assessment learner response
1) WWW : Sanila - this is a brilliant effort. Lot's to credit here. Very clear/detailed analysis of unseen advert and Galaxy advert
EBI : Revise magazine conventions and other media terminology (Q4+Q5)
2) Colour pallet : Darkness and red connotes to danger, passion and anger
Non-verbal code : Athletic body suggests he is ready for battle
Typography : Serif font, bold, white contrasting to background connotes the importance of the powerful message
3) The structure of the narrative : follows a linear structure and features glamorous Hollywood actors like the CGI of Audrey Hepburn and a look alike for Gregory Peck which associates with sophistication and desirability
Propp's character theory : Audrey Hepburn cast as the 'heroine' character as she is the damsel in distress with the chauffeur also seen as the 'hero' comes to save her. However another interpretation is that Audrey Hepburn is the 'hero' who take matters into her own hands as when the bus crashes she forces the driver to stop the car for her as a 'doner/helper' enabling her to complete her quest.
Message of the narrative : Galaxy is more sophisticated that other chocolate bar companies and therefore needs time and relaxation to be enjoyed to it's full potential. This could give the audience a sense of luxury and nostalgia when they then try the product.
4) Serif font for title : connotes high class, formality and how well classed the magazine is as Britain's oldest magazine.
Green colour scheme and white text : connotes a fresh new style and sophistication
Cover image : reflect Britain's culture's interests in Stanely homes
5) The use of traditional film marketing techniques: trailers, film posters, red-carpet premieres, interviews with stars and director etc.
Section of the Marvel website with gallery, story synopsis, character posters and opportunities to buy or stream the movie.
Social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Social media and YouTube advertising was also heavily used by Marvel to promote the film including using tweets from audience members on massive billboards.
6) Revising key media terminology , revising in-depth CSP, revising prectice exam structures.
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