Heat CSP

 Introduction - Heat Media pack

1) Look at the Heat Media Pack. Go to page 2: the Heat mission. Write three things that Heat offers its readers under 'print'.
Exclusive celebrity news, an all-inclusive fashion and beauty section and "Life Hacks" which includes travel, food, fitness, well-being and homes.

2) Now go to page 3 of the Media Pack - celebrity focus. What does the page say that Heat offers readers?
Heat keeps their readers up to date with everything going on in the showbiz world, including the lives of famous celebrities such as Hollywood A-list actors/actresses or well-known artists. It fills their readers in on what's the latest to ensure that they are aware of the things that are happening to certain people in those type of industries.

3) Now look at page 4 of the Heat Media Pack. What other content does Heat magazine offer its readers aside from celebrity news?

 Aside from celebrity news and gossip, Heat provides its readers with affordable and trending clothing items and things that are a "must-buy" in the fashion industry. It offers them fashion advice, whether it is inspired from celebrities or street-style; it is also all-inclusive meaning that people of all ethnic backgrounds, body types and sizes can benefit from this. As well as this, Heat supplies their readers with life hacks which covers food, fitness, well-being, travel and homes - all along with their own "unique heat twist".

4) Look at page 5. What is Heat magazine's audience profile? Write all the key details of their audience here. 
  • Female: 90%
  • Male: 10%
  • Average age: 37
  • Age profile: 52% are aged between 15-34
  • Segment: 50% ABC1
  • Marital status: 57% married

Media language

1) How are the cover lines written to make the audience want to buy the magazine?
The cover lines are mostly written in a bold sans serif font, which immediately stands out to the readers. They also include rhetorical questions - for example "Is this Harry & Meghan's biggest mistake yet?" in order to fully attract a wider audience and make them want to read it to find out more. It also includes a large exclamation which reads "CAUGHT OUT!", to perhaps make it the first thing that catches the reader's eye and intrigue them, encouraging them to purchase the magazine.

2) What are the connotations of the Heat colour scheme on this particular front cover?
The colour scheme on the Heat magazine cover consists of a huge variety of different bright and bold shades of pink, yellow, white and red. The use of these vibrant colours was maybe done to attract attention from audiences. There are many different images which supports the idea that gossip magazines tend to be more busy and packed with an abundance of things to make it seem as though they are bursting with a large range of stories.

3) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. paparazzi images or aspects of mise-en-scene such props, costume, make-up, body position, facial expression etc.)
The use of paparazzi photos create a sense of realism whilst also again reinforcing the gossip aspect of the magazine. Most of the facial expressions of the celebrities look neutral or straight-faced, which heavily implies that Hollywood is not all the blitz and glamour that it may seem. This is again shown through the way that most of them are dressed in not so classy or dazzling clothes as they are normally seen to be wearing, again sparking interest as it may show a side to celebrities' lives which are not usually shown through social media.

4) What differences can you find between the use of design and typography between Tatler and Heat? List at least three differences and explain the effect on audiences.
On the Tatler magazine, there is only one main central image as opposed to the Heat magazine which consists of many different pictures of multiple celebrities spread out across the cover. Also, Tatler is made up of a relatively pale assortment of colours, which are mostly pastel, e.g light pink, white, light blue. However, Heat has a range of shades throughout, with many being bright and vivid colours. Tatler magazine has a central imagine of their model, in this case Emma Weymouth, who connotes to elegance and dignity especially seeing as her photo was taken by a professional team of photographers. On the other hand, the images on Heat magazines are of celebrities which are taken out of turn or unplanned, therefore it doesn't seem as sophisticated or refined like Tatler is, which shows the audience the clear distinction between the two and which may seem more suited to their liking as both have entirely different design choices

Media Representations

1) What type of celebrities appear on the front cover of Heat? List them here. 
Heat includes a wide range of celebrities, for example: Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Victoria Beckham, Liam Payne, Cheryl Cole, Dani Dyre and Giovanna Fletcher.

2) How are celebrities represented in Heat? (Positively? Negatively? Reinforcing or challenging stereotypes?)
 Celebrities are mostly represented in a negative light on Heat magazine, as most of the photos are paparazzi pictures which were taken without consent. Also, the cover lines again support this as they include personal parts of their lives, which are then published for all to see. This subverts the thought stereotype that all celebrities lead perfect lifestyles filled with wealth and luxury - as there is also the side to them filled with countless out-of-pocket scandals and drama which is shared with the whole world, stripping them of their privacy.

3) How are women represented on the cover of Heat? Think about both images and cover lines here.
On the cover of Heat, women are not presented as they would usually be expected to - what with wearing a full face of make-up along with a stylish and neat choice of clothes. Instead, they are shown without an excessive amount of make-up on their faces, messy hair and wearing somewhat normal clothes, such as Victoria Beckham. However, they are shown to be bad or problematic people through the cover lines - which reveal very disreputable parts about them - from being painted as a secretive liar to being involved within an affair.

4) How do Heat and Tatler represent social class? What different social classes can you find in the features and celebrities on the cover? (E.g. middle/upper class / working class)
Tatler represents the upper class through the use of their regal and expensive design, along with their choice of model, who is a marchioness. They are presented in a graceful and poised way in comparison to Heat magazine. Although the celebrities on the cover of Heat are all wealthy and upper-class, rather than being portrayed as distinguished, they are instead shown to be improper and discreditable.


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