Gender Representation in Advertising

 1) 1950's - 1960's:

3 )Women in the 1950's - 60's were stereo typed to be obedient housewives who's only aspiration in life was to please there husband's. They were presented as men's little puppets and were commonly looked down on for their lack of working opportunities as barely any women were working at that time. More adverts that were presented, the women were always yearning for men's validation and there was a certain image of a delicate, young, hard working, obedient women that they had to portray to be considered acceptable in society.

2) Post 2000's :

4) Women in the 2000's are presented as incapable however the job to only please there husband's is no longer considered the norm. Though they are often sexulised for their bodies and are shown to be less educated and mature as men, there is still a larger community of women working and it's less considered to be against the norm in this society.

5) The view of women in the past 60 years has changed as the stereo types and the standard of women have changed and they are less expected to please men. Many adverts in the 2000's are trying to shut down women trying to work but in the 1950 - 60's that wasn't even considered an option for women but more of a dream that many kept silent about.


Women in these subvert adverts are seemed to be equal to men instead of belittling them and making women seem like they want to be better than men. They also try to push away from our natural instincts of what we think a women is like and what we think a men is like, but instead to believe that no man is the same and no women is the same making us all just as equal as one another.


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