Media assessment learner response

WWW : Brilliant effort, overall Sanila - lots to credit and award here. All of that superb blog work is paying off. Lots of knowledge of media terminology (GloW) to support your responses.

EBI : Not enough detail for Q5+Q6. May need to work on timing.

Q1 : 1

Q2 : 1

Q3 : 8

Q4 : 2

Q5 : 3

Q6 : 4

The questions I did better on are the 1 and 2 mark questions and the 12 marker. I think I did better on these question and it requires basic knowledge so it was easier to answer and didn't require a lot of writing.

The questions I did worse on are the longer questions which had a lot of marks to achieve and consisted a lot of writing. I think I did worse of these because I couldn't think of enough valid points and word it in a understandable time in a given time.

Question 3 - the unseen text 12 mark question

Non - verbal codes which can be sen in the advert largely revolve around the colour red. This connotes to power or superiority, as shown by the model (Beyonce) who is wearing the dress. The fact that this colour is worn by a women signals to the audience that she is independent which breaks certain stereo types or opinions on how women are portrayed in the media.

Written codes portrayed in the advert include the title 'HEAT' written in capitals at the top. It is high and one of the first things people see in the advert, the name also connotes to power or fire, indicating to the audience that it is a bold product.

Another written code shown withing the poster is the slogan 'catch the fever' which is centered and written in white text making it stand out to the audience. It also gives off the image that everyone will buy, as the word 'fever' is something that everyone goes through at some point in time is spread easily.


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